
Showing posts from July, 2011

Out of Norm Travels -2011: Malaysia - Gallivanting around Kuala Lumpur (June 2011)

What can an urban city like Kuala Lumpur offer for jaded travellers?  How about some enlightening (Batu caves) and architecture (Moorish no less) before ending on a high note (KLCC Twin Towers) ? Group enlightening @  Bat u caves Moorish architecture  @ KTM Headquarters KLCC Twin Towers @ Sunset  Till the next time, onto the world & beyond!!

Out of Norm Travels -2011 - First & Last Train ride out of Singapore to Kuala Lumpur (June 2011)

Like most travelers, a trip out of home country means taking an air plane out of the country. In the not so distant past, many travel out of their country using the only means of affordable transport i.e. train. I am not old enough to say that I did that but I was glad I managed to catch one of the last few trains that departed from our grand ol dame, Tanjong Pagar Railway Station back in June 2011. The feeling of nostalgia was what spurred on me taking the journey up north from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was surreal that I was still in my country yet the land the station stood on was actually Malaysian land. In a typical Singaporean way, I facebooked my location & wondered if I should state Singapore or Malaysia as place of origin? Anyway, this dilemma soon ended on 30 June 2011 when the land on which the train station stood was closed to the public with the land returned to Singapore. It was thus unfortunate that my kids will not be able to experience such ...