Out of Norm Travels - 2019 Venice Carnival (Feb 24 to Mar 2)

I attended the Venice Carnival for a 2nd time in February 2019.

Last year's shoot was a blur but I gathered that since I am more experienced last year, this year would be a breeze but I was pleasantly mistaken. I have seen and heard things this year that I totally missed out in last year's visit and have come to appreciate the people who make the Venice Carnival (Carnevale di Venezia) possible...the Models! 

As I don't know if I will make a third visit back to Venice for the Carnival, I thought it is best for me to give my heartfelt thanks to ALL the Models (masked or otherwise) who make Venetian Carnival one of the most special events in my heart!

Here's a snapshot of my learning points from models who take part in the Venetian Carnival. Many of the models do not get much appreciation or receive limited feedback from photographers. I was shocked to learn that most do not at least get photos in return. I too was guilty of that when I came last year as I figured they would get tons of photos and mine would not be good enough compared to those taken by the professional photographers (there are many attending the carnival). I understand from conversations that one model pair gave out around 1000 name cards almost every year and usually get less than 10 photos in return. It's sad to hear this as many of them take about 1 year or more to conceptualise the costume, source for materials including the appropriate masks / make up. For the models, it can hardly be fun having your photos taken by some 20-30 photographers at the same time (yes it can get quite intense in some locations) and having to open your eyes for the flashes and 'look here' shouts for extended periods. The carnival takes place in winter and for the lesser of us, we can wear our winter jackets, gloves, scarves and whatever to keep ourselves warm including walking around. Unfortunately for the models, they have to stand in the same pose for a long time outdoors for extended periods with their huge costumes including headgear and accessories (some weighing 1kg or more).

I do hope my sharing has given my reader a different perspectives to the Venice Carnival.

Till the next time...onto the world and beyond!


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